Page 11 - 2021 L-com Wired Brochure
P. 11

COAXIAL Interconnects

         Coaxial Interconnects  Cable    Genders   Form Factor  Connectors  Materials/Jackets  Special Features

         Standard Coax Cable   RG174, RG188, RG316,   Male-Male,   Straight,   BNC, FME, MCX,   PVC, LSZH  L-com's coaxial cable catalog covers almost every
         Assemblies       RG58, RG142B, RG213,  Male-Female,   Right Angle,   MMCX, N Series,   RF application with our deep selection of cable
                          RG223          Female-   Bulkhead  QMA, SMA, TNC           assemblies. With numerous connector and cable
                                         Female              and many more           configurations, both common and rare, we guarantee
                                                                                     we have the right solution for all our customers
         Low Loss Cable   LMR-100, LMR-195,   Male-Male,   Straight,   BNC, F-type, N   PVC, LSZH,    The large selection of Low Loss cable assemblies
         Assemblies       LMR-200, LMR-240,   Male-Female,   Right Angle,   Series, QMA,   High Flex PUR,   at L-com can be used in a myriad of applications
                          LMR-400, LMR-400 UF,   Female-  Bulkhead  SMA, TNC, 7/16   Armored, Outdoor,   including telecom, military/defense, laboratory test &
                          LMR-600, LMR-900  Female           DIN, 4.3-10  Industrial  measurement, industrial/commercial and many more.
                                                                                     We build our cables with the highest quality materials
                                                                                     and offer complete lines featuring Times Microwave
         Formable Cable   085 Semi-Rigid,    Male-Male,   Straight  N Series, SMA  Rolled Steel  These innovative cable assemblies allow our
         Assemblies       085 Formable,    Male-Female                               customers to form the cable around various structures,
                          141 Semi-Rigid,                                            giving numerous advantages to standard jacketed
                          141 Formable                                               cables.  They are perfect for microwave and RF
                                                                                     systems, medical imaging and test/measurement
         Connectors       Numerous Standard   Male, Female  Straight,   BNC, FME, MCX,   Nylon, Nickel, Gold  We at L-com carry numerous coaxial connector
                          Coax Cable and Low       Right Angle,   MMCX, N Series,    interfaces for many different cable types.  Our
                          Loss options             Bulkhead  QMA, SMA, TNC           connectors include various termination styles like
                                                             and many more           crimp, clamp, twist-on and termination
         Adapters         N/A            Male-Male,   Straight,   BNC, 7/16 DIN,   Plastic, Brass  L-com's large line of coaxial adapters allow our
                                         Male-Female,   Right Angle,   N Series, SMA,   customers to adapt and couple RF components
                                         Female-   Bulkhead  SMB, TNC, UHF,          quickly and effeciently.  Available in both common and
                                         Female              and many more           rare configurations
         Bulk Cable       RG174, RG188, RG316,   N/A  N/A    N/A         Nylon, Nickel,   Our bulk coaxial cable at L-com covers a wide
                          RG58, RG142B, RG213,                           Bronze, Gold  range of applications including ultra-flex and direct
                          RG223, LMR-100, LMR-                                       burial.  L-com guarantees we have the cable you are
                          195, LMR-200, LMR-                                         looking for
                          240, LMR-400, LMR-400
                          UF, LMR-600, LMR-900
                          and many more
         Attenuaters      N/A            Male-Female  Straight  N Series, SMA,       Our RF attenuators are built with in-line design and
                                                             TNC                     feature N, SMA and TNC connectors.  We offer various
                                                                                     levels of attenuation from 1 to 30 db

         Tools & Kits     RG174, RG188, RG316,   N/A  N/A    Crimp,                  Aside from our extensive coaxial products, L-com
                          RG58, RG142B, RG213,               compression             offers many tools and kits that make cable installations
                          RG223, LMR-100, LMR-                                       a breeze.  We offer crimp and compression tools,
                          195, LMR-200, LMR-                                         crimp and strip kits as well as waterproofing tape
                          240, LMR-400, LMR-400
                          UF, LMR-600, LMR-900
                          and many more

                                  |  +1 (800) 341-5266  |  +1 (978) 682-6936                    11
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