Blog posts tagged with 'ethernet'

PoE Switches vs PoE Injectors – What To Use When
Power over Ethernet (PoE) delivers power and data to PoE-enabled devices over the same ethernet cable. Ethernet cables contain 4 pairs of wire, but most networks only use 2 of the pairs for data transmission. PoE uses the 2 unused pairs of wire to provide DC power to the device. This allows the deployment of PoE compatible devices in locations that lack electricity. Since this eliminates the need to run separate power lines, PoE saves money in materials and installation time.... Read more
Benefits of the IX Industrial Ethernet Connector
The use of Ethernet cabling is only accelerating in industrial applications. A common occurrence with such applications is the need for a high number of parallel Ethernet connections in a small footprint, or just the ability to have more compact devices with Ethernet ports. The current standard Ethernet connector, the RJ-45 has been around for some time and is ubiquitous with Ethernet. However, this connector is considerably bulkier than is necessary and often suffers from retention issues without additional locking features.... Read more